Tips for Flying With Toddlers: Keeping Them Entertained

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Travel Tips For All Ages

Traveling with toddlers can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to flying. The thought of keeping them entertained and comfortable for long hours on a plane can be overwhelming. However, with a few tips and tricks up your sleeve, flying with toddlers can be a breeze.

A young child playing with a variety of colorful toys and books while seated in an airplane seat, with a parent nearby offering snacks and engaging in interactive activities

First and foremost, it's important to plan ahead. This means packing plenty of snacks, toys, and activities to keep your little ones occupied. It's also a good idea to bring along a change of clothes and any necessary medications in case of emergencies. Additionally, choosing the right time to fly can make a big difference in your child's comfort level. Consider booking a flight during their regular nap time or bedtime to increase the chances of them sleeping through the flight.

Another helpful tip is to involve your child in the flying experience. This can mean letting them help pack their own carry-on bag or allowing them to choose a special toy or book to bring on the plane. In-flight activities such as coloring books, sticker books, and handheld games can also keep toddlers entertained for hours. With a little preparation and creativity, flying with toddlers can be a fun and stress-free experience for the whole family.

Pre-Flight Preparation

Flying with toddlers can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation, it can be a smooth and stress-free experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your flight with your little one.

Choosing the Right Flight

When booking your flight, consider the timing and duration of the flight. It's best to choose a flight that aligns with your toddler's nap or sleep schedule. If possible, opt for a non-stop flight to minimize disruptions and avoid the hassle of layovers.

Packing Essentials

Make sure to pack all the essentials your toddler may need during the flight. This includes snacks, drinks, diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes. It's also a good idea to bring toys, books, and games to keep your toddler entertained.

To make packing easier, create a checklist of all the items you need to bring. This will help you stay organized and ensure you don't forget anything important.

Explaining the Trip to Your Toddler

Before the flight, take some time to explain the trip to your toddler. Let them know what to expect during the flight, including takeoff, landing, and any turbulence. You can also show them pictures or videos of airplanes to help them understand what will happen.

It's also a good idea to talk to your toddler about the airport experience. Explain security procedures, such as taking off shoes and going through metal detectors. This will help prepare your toddler for what to expect and minimize any anxiety they may feel.

By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free flight with your toddler. Remember to stay calm and patient, and don't forget to enjoy the journey!

At the Airport

Toddlers play with toys and books at airport gate, while parents read "Tips for flying with toddlers and keeping them entertained" on a sign

Navigating Security

Going through airport security can be a stressful experience for both parents and toddlers. It's important to be prepared and organized to make the process as smooth as possible.

To avoid any delays, make sure to have all necessary documents and identification ready. Keep liquids and snacks easily accessible in a clear plastic bag. Dress your toddler in comfortable, easy-to-remove shoes and clothing to speed up the security process.

Pre-Boarding Activities

Before boarding the plane, it's important to keep your toddler entertained and occupied. Consider bringing small toys, coloring books, and interactive games. You can also download kid-friendly apps and movies onto a tablet or smartphone.

If your toddler has excess energy, take them for a walk around the airport or find a quiet area to play a game of catch.

Finding Play Areas

Many airports have designated play areas for children. These areas are a great way for toddlers to burn off some energy before boarding the plane.

When you arrive at the airport, ask a staff member where the play areas are located. If there isn't a designated play area, look for open spaces where your toddler can run around and play.

Overall, being prepared and organized can make flying with toddlers a much smoother experience. Keep your toddler entertained and occupied, and don't forget to take breaks for snacks and playtime.

On the Plane

A toddler plays with a colorful activity book and toys while sitting on a parent's lap during a flight. The parent smiles and interacts with the child, following tips for keeping toddlers entertained while flying

Selecting Seats

Choosing the right seats on the plane can make a big difference in keeping toddlers entertained and comfortable during the flight. It is recommended to select seats in advance and opt for bulkhead seats, which offer extra legroom and space for toddlers to play. Window seats are also a good option as toddlers can look out and keep themselves occupied.

Comfort Items

It is essential to pack comfort items for toddlers to help them relax and feel at ease during the flight. This can include a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or pillow. Parents can also bring noise-canceling headphones or earplugs to help reduce noise and make the flight more comfortable for their child.

Snacks and Meals

Bringing snacks and meals on the plane is a great way to keep toddlers fed and happy during the flight. Parents can pack healthy snacks such as fruit, crackers, and cheese, as well as their child's favorite treats. It is also helpful to bring a spill-proof cup or bottle to keep toddlers hydrated during the flight.

In-Flight Entertainment Options

Most airlines offer in-flight entertainment options such as movies, TV shows, and games. Parents can bring their child's favorite movies or TV shows on a tablet or laptop, or download them in advance. Board books, coloring books, and stickers are also great options to keep toddlers entertained.

Naptime Strategies

Naptime can be challenging on a plane, but there are strategies parents can use to help their child sleep. Bringing a neck pillow or travel pillow can help toddlers get comfortable and fall asleep. Parents can also create a calming environment by dimming the lights and playing soothing music or white noise.

Dealing with Ear Pressure

Flying can be uncomfortable for adults, but it can be even more challenging for toddlers. They may experience ear pressure, which can cause discomfort and pain. Here are some tips to help alleviate the problem.

Swallowing Techniques

Swallowing can help regulate the pressure in the ears. It is essential to encourage toddlers to drink fluids during takeoff and landing. If they are too young to drink from a cup, breastfeeding or bottle-feeding can also help.

It is also a good idea to bring snacks that require chewing, such as crackers or gum. Chewing can help with the swallowing process and reduce ear discomfort.

Use of Pacifiers

Pacifiers can help toddlers relieve ear pressure during takeoff and landing. The sucking motion can help regulate the pressure in the ears. If your toddler does not use a pacifier, consider introducing one before the flight.

It is essential to choose a pacifier that is appropriate for your child's age and size. Make sure to bring a few extras in case one gets lost or dirty.

By using these techniques, parents can help alleviate ear pressure for their toddlers during flights. It is essential to plan ahead and be prepared to make the flight as comfortable as possible for everyone involved.

Managing Toddler Behavior

Toddlers playing with colorful toys on an airplane tray table. Parent reading a book to keep them entertained

Setting Expectations

Before the flight, parents should talk to their toddlers about what to expect during the flight. Letting them know what will happen and what is expected of them can help reduce anxiety and confusion. Parents can explain what will happen during takeoff, flight, and landing, as well as any rules or procedures that need to be followed.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to encourage good behavior in toddlers during a flight. Parents can bring small treats or toys that can be given as rewards for good behavior. Praising and encouraging good behavior can also be effective.

Dealing with Tantrums

Despite best efforts, toddlers may still have tantrums during a flight. When this happens, parents should try to remain calm and patient. It may help to distract the child with a toy or game, or to take them for a walk up and down the aisle. If the tantrum continues, it may be necessary to take the child to the lavatory or to a quiet area of the plane to calm down.

Overall, managing toddler behavior during a flight can be challenging, but with some preparation and patience, parents can help ensure a smoother and more enjoyable flight for everyone involved.

Health and Safety

A parent reading a safety manual while a toddler plays with a colorful activity book and toys in their airplane seat

Hygiene Practices

When flying with toddlers, it's important to maintain good hygiene practices to prevent the spread of germs. Here are some tips to keep your child healthy during the flight:

  • Bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces such as tray tables, armrests, and seat belts.
  • Encourage your child to wash their hands frequently, especially before eating or after using the restroom.
  • Pack extra tissues and wipes to clean up any spills or messes.

Motion Sickness

Some toddlers may experience motion sickness during a flight, which can cause discomfort and nausea. Here are some ways to prevent and manage motion sickness:

  • Choose seats near the wings of the plane, as they experience less turbulence.
  • Avoid heavy meals before the flight and encourage your child to stay hydrated.
  • Consider giving your child medication, such as Dramamine, to prevent motion sickness. However, be sure to consult with your child's doctor before giving any medication.

By following these health and safety tips, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable flight for both you and your toddler.

Landing and Post-Flight

Preparing for Descent

As the plane begins to descend, it's important to prepare your toddler for the change in altitude. Encourage them to drink water or suck on a pacifier to help relieve any ear pressure. You can also distract them by pointing out the view from the window or reading a book together.

Make sure to have all necessary items within reach, such as diapers, wipes, and snacks. It's also a good idea to have a change of clothes easily accessible in case of any accidents.

Airport Pickup and Car Rentals

Once you've landed and retrieved your luggage, it's time to head to your next destination. If you've arranged for airport pickup or a car rental, be sure to have all necessary information and documentation readily available.

If you're renting a car, consider requesting a car seat in advance to ensure availability. It's also important to properly install the car seat before hitting the road.

If you're relying on public transportation or a ride-share service, be sure to have a stroller or carrier for your toddler. This will make navigating through the airport and getting to your final destination much easier.

Overall, with a little preparation and organization, landing and post-flight can be a smooth and stress-free experience for both you and your toddler.